How does Radio Frequency Micro needling work for skin rejuvenation?
Ultra-fine needles penetrate the skin to different depths whilst simultaneously releasing
radio frequency (RF) energy to heat the skin in a controlled manner. This stimulates a
wound healing response which leads to the production of new collagen and elastin.
What are the benefits of combining Radio Frequency and Micro needling?
Practitioners have seen much quicker treatment results when combining radio frequency and micro needling. For deep wrinkles, results can be achieved in half the time compared to single, standalone technologies.
How many sessions will I need?
Results can be seen after just one session. However, a minimum of 2 and up to 6 treatments, at 4-week intervals, deliver the best results, depending on the skin concern.
What results should I expect?
Most patients see an improvement 2 to 3 weeks after the first treatment. Results are
natural and get better over time, peaking at 12 weeks following the final treatment.
Will there be downtime?
There is virtually no downtime. A slight swelling and redness are present immediately
post-treatment but should subside quickly.